Infant Massage

Infant Massage Classes

Does your baby’s crying have YOU in tears? Infant massage can help calm you and your baby, improves sleep, digestion, and boosts baby’s immune system. There’s really no reason why you shouldn’t join! With over 15 years of experience, you can be confident that I’ll teach you massage techniques that you can use on your baby for years to come. You’ll also meet a whole new community of parents.

For more benefits of Infant Massage visit: International Association of Infant Massage Canada

Upcoming Classes

There are currently no Classes scheduled.

Request a Class

Classes are offered as one time community classes as well as in a 4 series. Private classes are available for individuals or groups upon request and can take place in your home or in the studio. Please click the button below and complete the form and Trena will be in touch. 


Fees vary based on the organization that is hosting. Private Infant Massage classes are available in person and online from $100 + HST, and include 4 one-hour classes. Gather up some friends and make it a weekly date!

Request a Class/Workshop

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